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Trails of the Dead

Many people get discouraged when reading about the many things one must do to reach the Hall of Judgement. In ancient Egyptian times they believed that the things they were barried with would be with them in the afterlife.  They would be barried with instuctions on how to surpass the trails of the dead and what to do also with valuables and sometimes servants.

The row of Statutes

One of the trails is the row of Statutes When walking through the row of statutes one must speak of the things you have not done wrong in your life. The more you can come up with the better you sound and most likely  to succeed in this trail. Most sins counted in the this trail is from MA'At Right and Truth.

Beware of the creatures

In the trails of the dead there are a few creatures menchioned in texts on Egyptian walls one is the large apes and the other Is a huge snake that is the enemy of Osiris. These creatures will try to stop you from proceeding to the hall of judgment. Avoid at all cost or be barried with a good weapon.

Your Guide
Hall of judement

The hall of judement is where your heart will be weighed against the feather of justice to determine you worthy enough to be gaven Immortality and a place in Egyptian paradise. Where shadow servants will carter to you needs.  

When first entering the underworld you will be introduced to a guide that will guide you through the trails of the dead to the hall of judgement. It could be Anubis or a servant of Anubis.

Seven Gates

Gate 1# The doorkeeper is named Sekhet-her-asht-aru

Gate 2# The doorkeeper name is Unhat

Gate 3# Doorkeeper Unem-hauatu-ent-pehui

Gate 4# The doorkeeper Khesef-her-asht-kheru

Gate 5# Doorkeeper Ankf-em-fent

Gate 6# Doorkeepers name is Atek-tau-kehaq-kheru

Gate 7# Doorkeeper is Sekhmet-em-tsu-sen

Each doorkeeper must be pursade in order to pass through. In the papyus of Ani Is more detailed words of passage it can be found in the many search engines. You shouldn't feel you have to be correct word for word make it your own for it is your trails.


There are many versions of the trial of the dead when I went looking for the answers myself beware it's very conflicted. I recommend starting with the book of the dead.

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