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The birth of Anubis


Although Anubis  Known as the first God worshiped in

Ancient Egypt. it wasn't till Osiris and Isis and a few other gods came to play did they create a birth of Anubis In Egyptian stories It was said Isis and Osiris where married Isis Goddess of fertility and motherhood Osiris God of earth and vegetation Love each other. however Nephthys Isis Sister Lust for Osiris. One night when Isis was not home .Her sister Nephthys made  

herself as Isis got Osiris Drunk and had her way with

him. That night she became pregnant With Anubis. Angry that she could not have him for her own. She left Anubis to the Elements. Isis her sister knowing what had happened .Did not take it out on the child instead raised him as if it was her own.

The Story of the Two Brothers

The tale of two brothers dates from the rign of Seti II, who ruled 1200 to1194 during the 19th Dynasty of the New Kingdom.
Anubis, who is at this time married. Had a younger brother named Bata. The brothers worked together, farming land and raising cattle. One day Anubis's wife attempts to seduce Bata. When he strongly rejects her advances, the wife tells her husband that his brother attempted to seduce her and beated her when she refused. In response to this, Anubis attempts to kill Bata. Who flees preying to Re-Harakhti to save him. The god creates a crocodile - infested lake between the two brothers. Across which Bata is finally able to tell his brother what really happened. To emphasize his sincerity, Bata cut off his genitalia and throws them in the water, where a catfish eats them. Bata states that he is going to the Valley of the Cedar, where he will place his heart on top of the blossom of a cedar tree,so that if it is cut down Anubis will be able to find it and bring Bata to life again is anything happens to him. He will know of his death cause he will send some one to give you a gift of beer that froths. after hearing this Anubis returns home and kills his wife. Meanwhile, Bata establishes a life in the Valley of Cedar building a new home for himself. An takes a wife Khnum created for him. Because of her divine creation,Bata wife gets sought out by the pharaoh.When the pharaoh succeeds in bringing her to live with him, she tells him to cut down the tree Bata stashed his heart bata then dies.Anubis receives a froth beer and sets out to find the heart .He searches for his brothers heart for 3 years. finding it at the beginning of the 4th year. He follows Bata instructions and puts his heart in a bowl of cold water. Bata is then resurrected as a bull He goes sees his wife and pharaoh the wives suggest to the pharaoh that they should eat him and that she wants his liver .the kill the bull . The blood falls to the ground from which two Persea trees grow Bata now in from of a tree. Whispers to his wife that he is alive . The wife tells pharaoh that she want new furniture  made by  the two Persea trees.touching the tree she gets a splinter. An becomes pregnant the Pharaoh crown his boy (a resurrected Bata) and he becomes king He then appoints Anubis as crown prince and the end up ruling the land together. 

Panther Turns Leopard

Seth turned himself into a panther.After attacking the body of Osiris. Anubis captured Seth before he could escape. An branded his fur. This myth give birth to how a leopard got his spots. A symbol of what Anubis had to do before Osiris was killed. Later on as the stories go. It was decreed that leopards skin was to be worn by the priests. Of Anubis's following. 

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