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The teachings was taught to the youth of Ancient Egyptian as morals to follow.

What goals to make in the future to live well and for your son to be well off


Cleanse yourself before your own eyes lest another cleanse you. When you prosper and found your household take a mistress of heart, a son will be born unto you.

build a house when you make a place for yourself. Make a good dwelling in the graveyard, make worthy your station in the west. Accept that death humbles use, accept that life exalts us, the house of the dead is for life. Seek for yourself well watered fields. Choose for him a plot among your fields well watered every year. He profits you more then your own son prefer him. 

Be wise to speak


​The timid man prospers, praised is the fitting open is the tent to the silent, spacious is the seat of the satisfied. Speak not to much! Sharp are knifes against he who transgresses the road, he is without speedy advance, except when he faults.




​When you seat with company. Shun the food you like. Restrain of heart is only a brief moment! Gluttony is based and one points the finger at it. A cup of water quenches thirst, a mouthful of herbs strengthens the heart. A single good thing stands for goodness as a whole, a little something stands for much. Vile is he whose belly is voracious, time passes and he forgets in whose house the belly strides. When you set with a glutton, eat when his appetite has passed. When you drink with a drunkard, partake when his heart is happy. Do not grab meat by the side of a glutton, but take when he gives you, do not refuse it, then it will soothe. He who is blameless in the matters of food, no word can prevail against him. The shy of face, even impassive of heart, the harsh is kinder to him then to his own mother, all people are his servants.




​Let your name go forth, While you are silent with your mouth. When you are summoned, be not great of heart, because of your strength among those your age, lest you be opposed. One knows not what may happen, and what God does when he punishes.


Path of the wise


​Don't let your heart get big because of your knowledge, take counsel with the ignorant as well as with the scholar. For the limits of art are not brought, and no artist is equipped with perfection. Good discourse is more hidden then green stone, yet maybe found among the maids at the grindstones.  


To be the wiser man in all aspects


​If you meet a disputant in his moment of action, one who directs his heart, superior to you fold you arms and bend your back. Do not seize your heart against him, for he will never agree with you. Belittle the evil speech, by not opposing him while he is in his moment. He will be called a know-nothing, when your control of heart will match his piles of words.


If you meet a disputant in his moment of action, who is your equal, your peer, you will make excellence exceed his by silence, even while he is speaking wrongly. Great then is the discussion among the hearers, and the knowledge the magistrates have of your name will be good.


If you meet a disputant in his moment of action, a man of little, not at all your equal, do not be aggressive of heart because he is weak, give him (a hand) land for he refutes himself. Do not answer him to relieve your heart. Do not wash the heart against your opponent. Wretched is he who injures a man of little heart. One will wish to do what your heart desires. You will strike him with reproof of the magistrates.


Becoming a leader


If you are a man who leads. Charged to direct the affairs of great number, seek out every well-adjusted deed, so that your conduct may be blameless. Great Is MA'AT, lasting in effect. Undisturbed since the time of Osiris. One punishes the transgressor of laws, though the heart that robs overlooks this. Baseness may seize riches, Yet crime never lands its wares.  He says: "I have acquire for myself." He does not say: "I have acquired for my function." In the end, it is MA'AT that lasts, and Man says: "It is my father's domain."





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