Egyptians love celebrations. They would keep calendars of Birthdays, Holidays,
and Festivals. It wasn't till Ramesses 111 Did they have annual holidays. Their
calendar consist of 360 day they would tack on the additional 5 days at the end
of the year. Call it "The yearly 5 days." Celebrations were celebrated to the
extreme with music, dance, parades on the streets, great feast, ect.
January 1 To put all faith into anubis Febuary 9 Day of the unseen in the underworld.
May 12 the day of purifing all things
June 20 Anubis visits Earths plain June23 Cermony of Anubis
July 19 Festival of the dead
September 4 Cermony of Tranformation through Anubis
November 20 Day of Sakhmet purifing the flames
December 21 winter solstice Feast of Isis
The offerings in celebrations consist of Cake, loafs of bread, spreads, meat, beer, and fowl.
They would use incense and cultic charcoals.